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Prestbury St Marys

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Prestbury St Mary's Federation we believe in fostering the development and achievements of all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, with or without an EHCP. All teachers plan and provide experiences and activities that are appropriate and relevant to the individual needs of all our children. Pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities are encouraged to become increasingly independent and take responsibility within the school.


The school has adopted the Graduated Pathway and provision recommended by Gloucestershire LA. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SEND-Co) is responsible for overseeing assessment and provision.

Mrs Charlie Lunnon is our SEND-Co 

Mrs Lunnon is happy to discuss your child’s progress with you. Please contact her via email: clunnon@psm-school.co.uk


The named Governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is Mrs Ruth Rudge.

Please refer to our policies on Special Educational Needs and Disability and Equality for further information. Our School Local Offer and School Information Report explain our SEND support and procedures within school.

SEND Policy 2024

Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy 2018

Offer of Early Help 2022 - 2023

Accessibility Plan 2022

Prestbury St Mary's Federation SEND Local Offer 2021-2022

Special Educational Needs Report 2022

Supporting our SEND children in our Curriculum


Useful Links

Government Guide to SEND

Gloucestershire Guide to SEND


British Dyslexia Association


Family Education Website for ADHD

The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service (ADDISS)

Autism & Aspergers

National Autistic Society

Autism Independent UK


Dyspraxia Foundation


Tourettes Action 


The British Epilepsy Association

Visual Impairment

Royal Institute for the Blind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder