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Prestbury St Marys

Pupil Premium

Introduced by the Government in April 2011, the Pupil Premium is allocated to children who are looked after by the local authority, those who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years and for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. Our allocation for 2018-2019 across the Federation was £48,280 (retrospective allocation of funds). Schools can choose how to spend Pupil Premium funding and are required to publish this information on the school website.

At the Prestbury St Mary’s Federation, Pupil Premium funding is used to help pupils be the best they can be; academically, emotionally and socially.


Are you eligible for Pupil Premium Funding?

Government funding for the Pupil Premium is based on children who have been registered for free school meals at any time in the last 6 years.  It is therefore important we make sure all those who qualify are actually registered.  Even if you (or your child) don't want to receive free school meals on a regular basis, there are other educational benefits they can receive through the Pupil Premium.  â€‹If you think your child is eligible for Pupil Premium, please click here

What are the children’s barriers?

Each year, we review our children’s needs and generally we identify two clear areas of support; academic and emotional needs. We know that parents are concerned that their children may not have full access to the rich and varied curriculum we provide in terms of educational visits, residential trips, visitors in school, music lessons and extracurricular clubs. As a result of this, we ensure Pupil Premium is targeted to meet these needs and ensure equal access to The Prestbury Curriculum and that all of our children feel a part of Team Prestbury.

What are our priorities?

We work hard to ensure we remove the barriers to learning which ensure our children thrive. Through our profile programme, we identify any emotional, academic and financial barriers which may result in difficulties learning.  We do this by:

  • ensuring PP children take part in all school visits and activities
  • ensuring peripatetic music lessons and other activities are also available to PP children so that they can make the most of extracurricular activities
  • supporting PP children with emotional difficulties so that they are emotionally ready to learn in school. We employ an ELSA trained Teaching Assistant and additional TA funded support for groups of children including PP children
  • focusing on our PP children’s progress to ensure that they make at least good progress throughout school, and that gaps close, preparing them for the next stage in their educational journey

What do we do and what is the impact?

  • We make a financial contribution towards regular trips and out of school opportunities, such as swimming and residential trips, to ensure that no child is excluded from these chances.
  • We make a financial contribution towards the expense of music tuition and extra-curricular activities, to ensure that cost is no barrier of inclusion. All first choice instrument lessons are paid for by the school.
  • We employ an ELSA trained TA on a 1:1 basis to work with PP children who have emotional issues and to support their behavioural development. Other TA’s are also supported and trained to work with children in class to support their emotional needs.
  • We monitor disadvantaged children, the impact of what we do and always include them as a separate group. Interventions are bespoke, to match the needs of the children.
  • We employ extra TA time, and use existing teaching and TA resources, to target intervention programmes to close the gaps in the children’s learning.
  • We work in partnership with parents of PP children and work together to ensure the best outcomes for children. Parents feel involved in the decision making process.
  • Work sampling always includes work from PP children, to ensure their needs are being met and they have equal access to the Prestbury Curriculum

What is the impact?

We are proud of our work with PP children – something which was highlighted in our last OFSTED inspection.

'The use of additional government funding for disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is monitored well by governors and leaders. They evaluate the impact of actions carefully. As a result, these pupils attend school more regularly and are making better progress. The most able disadvantaged pupils are working as well as their peers. Any barriers to their learning, for example not having the right equipment, have been removed by the wise use of pupil premium funds.'

Ofsted 2016


The documents below outline our policy for Pupil Premium and our Pupil Premium Evaluations:

Infant School Pupil Premium Evaluation

Infant Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Infant Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Review 2023-2024

Junior School Pupil Premium Evaluation

Junior Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025
Junior Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Review 2023-2024